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  The octopus, being tasty and with various nutritional properties, it is one of the most used mollusc for making delicious plates and it fits well for a lot of recipes. Do you know the benefits of octopus? Why it is included in a healthy and balanced diet?   The...

  Versatile and tasty, ideal for salads, fillings, nourishing smoothies and endless other recipes: spinach with its nutritional properties cannot miss within a healthy and balanced diet. Good, in the true sense of the word, also with our organism. The nutritional properties of spinach allow to assimilate essential...

  Frozen vegetables offer many benefits compared to the fresh ones and they are essential allies in the kitchen, both for catering and home. Spinach, broccoli, peas and a lot more: frozen vegetables let you prepare lots of quick, nutrient and delicious recipes to satisfy every palate. Let’s...

  Not everybody knows the perfect way to cook frozen octopus. And not everybody’s aware that high quality frozen octopus has nothing to envy from the fresh, quite the opposite. Of course it is well know that it is necessary to be particularly careful during cooking, because...

  Do you know what the nutritional properties of broccoli are? And that since ancient times they were consumed to cure some ailments? Knowing what we eat helps us to maintain a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Broccoli, frozen or fresh, like most cruciferous plants, have...

  Not everyone is aware of the deep-freezing benefits. Frozen products are now indispensable in the kitchens, both in homes and restaurants, and fit perfectly with the habits of our millennium. With increasing frequency, consumers and restaurateurs need products that are fast and easy to prepare and that...

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